Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Senior interior design class begins work on final project

The senior interior design class at Utah State University was assigned their final project today after having completing the requirements for the Senior Exhibit. Each student will compose a capstone book that will showcase all of the work they have completed this year.

Steven Mansfield, a senior lecturer in the program, said the book was implemented four years ago after Darrin Brooks, an associate professor in the program, visited another school and was impressed by something similar.

“We thought it would be impressive to have a thesis at an undergraduate level that people can see,” Mansfield said.

The book was also implemented because the seniors would finish earlier than the other classes in the program.

“When I took over the class the seniors finished up at the exhibit and then they were done three or four weeks early. Then they wouldn't do anything,” Mansfield said. “It set a bad precedent for our students.”

Tyson Bekker, a student in the graduating class, said the book will be a collection of the work he’s completed this year.

“It’s kinda like a thesis book,” he said. “A keepsake of everything that we did this year.”

Jill Harmon, another graduating senior, said each book will be different.

“There are some things that will be universal,” she said. “But each one will be a little different because we each go through a different process and the Capstone book is just a detailed description of our process.”

Harmon said she doesn't have a plan for her book yet.

“In my brain I've done it but I haven’t actually completed anything yet,” she said. “I want it to be cool and look nice.”

The students will submit their books during finals week.

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